The Community Corridor of Inclusion and Resilience (CCIR) is a multi-phased community engaged art project that involves building a collaborative public art piece that celebrates unknown and known cultural richness in North Hastings. CCIR centres and honours Indigenous knowledge; it is intergenerational, decolonial and involves a deep exploration of social inclusion.

COVID-19 has impacted North Hastings communities with profound losses and instability. Remembering and Resistance, CCIR’s current project, is deeply rooted in relationship building and the crucial need to recognize, remember and grieve colonial violence, and honour and resist through a collective community art piece that concludes in a woven textile installation and memorial.

This project is grounded by Indigenous Elders and knowledge keepers in Kijicho Manito Madaouskarini of Algonquin First Nation, and by artistic leads Noreen Tinney, Victoria Burke, Eliza Plumley and Marlena Zuber. Anna Camilleri, ReDefine Arts’ Artistic Co-Director, has provided project development and artistic mentorship since the project’s inception in 2018.

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