Spring 2024,

As I write this message, the sun is streaming in through my open window. Birds are singing loudly as they flutter and tend their nestlings. Trays of small plants grown from seed, by my partner, are being moved outside to start to build resilience to wind, rain, and higher daytime temperatures. It's Spring.

The changing season brings with it this newsletter and a chance for us to share what we’ve been up to over the past few months: The Epic Choir continues to grow and develop; seniors in Barry’s Bay shared “This is My Message to You” at a Whimsical Black Tie Event; the multi-year Countdown Project Evaluation Report is now distributed in some public library systems; and, as part of The Bloor Annex BIA Accessibility Project, an outdoor tactile map of the Annex will soon be installed, and audio compositions of explorations of this Toronto neighbourhood are now online.

Here’s an excerpt from one of those explorations:

“When I notice there's a ramp, instead of a step, the effort's been made to turn it into a more accessible space, what I'm thinking about isn't myself but the friends I might invite – who can I bring with me into this space?”

Sean Lee in conversation with Alex Bulmer

That’s how we think about this quarterly newsletter. What friends might we invite into this space, and what will sprout as we find each other?

– Tristan R. Whiston, Artistic Co-Director


Read the rest of our Spring 2024 Quarterly Newsletter here,

& click here to become a regular subscriber!

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